AM Smith Law Firm

personal injury law | Atlanta Auto & trucking Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents

Each year, traffic accidents are responsible for more than 3 million injuries, and current statistics show that every person in the U.S. is likely to be involved in at least one major auto collision during their lifetime. We represent victims who have suffered injuries in accidents with another car, collisions involving tractor-trailers, trucks and motorcycles, as well as pedestrians or bicyclists hit by motor vehicles. 

Because of their weight and size, commercial trucks are much more dangerous in accidents than standard passenger vehicles. During collisions, big trucks can cause serious damage to other automobiles on the road and severe injuries to both passengers and drivers.

We Are Here Every Step of the Way

If you were injured in a big truck accident, you don’t have to deal with the aftermath alone. We know you’re facing expensive medical bills, lost wages, and an uncertain future, and we want to help you get compensation for your pain and suffering. Call our Georgia truck accident legal team today for a free consultation. 

Georgia Truck Driving Rules and Regulations

The trucking industry is subject to many rules and regulations from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to keep truck drivers and other motorists safe on the road. However, those rules are often broken in order to keep deliveries ahead of schedule and maximize profits. Our experienced legal team has the knowledge and skill necessary to provide you with the representation you deserve to investigate and pursue legal action on your behalf. 

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

FMCSA regulations are designed to prevent many common causes of truck accidents. The causes of trucking accidents in Georgia can be different for every accident, but some of the most common reasons why truck accidents happen include:

  • Sleep-deprivation and drowsy driving
  • Over-loaded trailers
  • Poor truck maintenance
  • Speeding and reckless driving

No matter what conditions caused your truck accident, you can count on the Georgia truck accident legal team at AM Smith Law Firm to give your claim the attention and resources it deserves.

Get a Lawyer For Your Georgia Truck Accident

Trucking companies have legal teams dedicated to protecting their business. If you’re involved in a truck accident, the trucking company’s lawyer or insurance provider may contact you and try to get you to accept a lowball settlement offer. Having a lawyer on your side can help ensure you aren’t victimized twice—first by the accident and a second time by the insurance company. But it’s important to make sure you hire the right lawyer for you and your family.

If you’re the victim of a trucking accident, don’t try to take on the insurance company alone. You have rights that protect your best interests, and you may be entitled to more money than the insurance company wants to admit. But you may not know unless you contact AM Smith Law Firm. Get a free initial consultation today.